Citadel Prints on Paper


Semi-Finalist Interview

A huge Thanks! to the ultra-talented David Schell for giving me a chance to talk about my work process and artistic development. Please check out the interview on Semi-Finalist at:

Recently Sold

“Citadel #10-13” a set of four paintings on paper have sold from the De Sousa Hughes showroom in San Francisco. Each piece is 17 x 15 inches, framed. For more info about this fantastic show space and interior design resource at the SF Design Center:

2018 CAP Art Auction

Stoked to have a new painting, “Citadel #15” acrylic on panel, in this year’s Cascade AIDS Project Art Auction, and thrilled to help support CAP and their amazing work. For more info about this great organization:

Current Construct at The Floating Gallery

This group show is curated by Percy Wise, and features work by myself, Justyn Hegreberg and Paul Fukui. The opening is August 10th at The Floating Gallery on Hayden Island in Portland, OR.

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